Thursday, January 16, 2014

Creative Writing Prompt #5

Hello! I have successfully finished my second CWP! (Man I gotta write more of these) I hope you enjoy it!

Creative writing prompt #5: You wake up trapped in a basement. Tell the story of how you end up in there. (not how you get out.)

...I walked quickly down the street, my long dress flowing like silk over my legs. I want so much to turn my head and look behind me, at the man I knew was following. I forced myself to slow my pace, but after a few moments I gave up and continued to step to the pace of my heart. It was beating so loud and hard I though it might burst. 
   There, up ahead the taxicab that was to take me...where? I knew not...he only told me that I would get in and...and what?...he didn't give me any directions. He told me I would be followed, but that I must not trust them, or believe whatever they told me. He only asked that I trust him. Did I? I wasn't sure. He promised me my freedom, what more could I want? 
   I heard the footsteps behind me increase their pace, my heart raced to an impossible speed. I made a run for the cab, threw open the door, launched myself in, and slammed it behind me, locking it for good measure. The driver was obviously expecting me, because he slammed on the gas, and began to swerve madly to avoid hitting anything. the car squealed in protest, as did I. I hoped I was now safe, but I wasn't sure. The driver glanced up at his rearview mirror looking very worried. I finally gave in, and looked behind, following the gaze of the driver. 
   I knew then even before he said anything, that, of course, I was being followed..again. As I looked back, only confirming what I knew, my fear grew as I noticed that the car in pursuit of me (for It was me they were after) was not even attempting to be hidden. The man who was driving the car was violently jerking the steering wheel back and forth, weaving his way through the many cars honking in protest. Coming quickly closer and closer. I urged the driver to go faster, unfortunately he was unable to, there where two cars in front of us that had 'conveniently' decided to stop in the middle of the road. My heart sunk as I realized why. 
   Three men emerged from the cars and ran straight for my taxicab. In my fear and stupidity I unlocked my door and made a run for it. I dodged the still honking cars and ran into a dark alley hoping it wasn't a dead end. Thankfully it wasn't, but the men giving pursuit quickly surrounded me.  They stood there watching me as I stood there panting in fear. I quickly realized escape was impossible, and yet they didn't do anything, it was like they were waiting...
    And then...there he was...he walked toward the men and they stood aside for him. he smiled, "Hi Kat!" I frowned in disgust of his pet name for me, but he refused to call me anything else. He continued, "well, you did trust me, unfortunately that's not enough, so I can't let you go. But have a nice ride!"  My mouth dropped, I shut it just as fast. He looked amused of all things! Then one of the men slapped a wet cloth over my face, and I knew, he had betrayed me...I didn't understand...He had promised, promised, my freedom, and remembered why I never trusted him. Because, of course, you can never trust a liar.
                 *          *            *
  I cracked my eyes open slowly, aware of a growing headache. I couldn't  see a thing, it was dark, and I noticed the cold of the floor I was laying on. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and I vaguely saw that I was in a small room with a short flight of stairs leading to a door (it was locked as I had expected) ,a sliver of light was squeezing through the bottom, barely illuminating the room. 
   I now saw that I was in a basement.....

                  *       *        *

Goodbye... until next time!

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