Wednesday, November 25, 2015

giving Thanks

It's L! [I know the tittle is a bit unoriginal but I like it anyway.]
I don't have anything deep and theological to write about Thanksgiving at the moment so I thought I would just start out by sharing some of the things I am grateful for. Be warned; this isn't a typical list.:)
  1. Thanksgiving Dinners: Because they are yummy and the leftovers last like a week and can be used in so many ways.
  2. M. and E.: Even though I don't see E. much any more they have both been a huge influence on my life and helped me grow a lot.
  3. This blog: I love getting to share my thoughts with people and put together graphics and pictures to compliment and advertise them.
  4. YOU (because you are reading this post)
  5. God's design of family and the way that men and women compliment each other.
  6. Water: It is so simplex!
  7. Sunsets :D
  8. The Gospel: And that God made it clear to me about three years ago
  9. That God leads me (Psalm 32:8)
  10. My Mom: She works so hard and is so nice to me!
  11. My Dad: And the twelve years that we both lived on the earth. 
  12. The fact that my Dad is safe at home with God this year and for eternity.(2 Corinthians 5:8)
  13. Rain
  14. Stars
  15. Pizza: Especially deep dish!
  16. That I get to study the structure God used to make the universe in School.
  17. My Brothers: They read me story's when I was younger, they taught me to have thick skin for teasing, and they continue to set an example of taking initiative.
  18. My Sister: She takes awesome pictures, and keeps me humble.
  19. That (Lord willing) all my siblings and mom get to spend Christmas together this year!
  20. Worldview Academy: I learned so much from four great years of camp!
  21. Friend's visiting from out of town for the week. :D
  22. A week off of classes
  23. Getting to be a part of a really cool Choir
  24. Being part of a great local Church with opportunities to serve
  25. Christmas Cookies
  26. That I found one packet of Ramon noodles when i wanted a hot diner tonight.
  27. The Bible: I would be lost in nearly every way without it
  28. Emotions: They are a gift
  29. Friend's who are more like family
  30. Warm sweaters 
I could keep going but I think 30 is a good place to stop. Some of you might think it is inconsiderate of me to post about all these blessings when so many people don't even have a place to call home, so many have been struck by tragedy and a lot of people won't even have the blessing of a simple meal this Thanksgiving but that is all the more reason for all of us to be grateful for what we have. Thanksgiving is also a big reminder to pray for and give to those who don't have as much as we do.

What are you thankful for this year? Who can you give a reason to be thankful to?


"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from 
the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."

(James 1:17 ESV)

Monday, November 23, 2015

"That's Life"

Hey all! M. here again! Happy November to all of you!! How is your Thanksgiving week going? Tell me in the comments below!!

Today I want to talk about a saying that really really annoys me. (I know, it's brilliant to be complaining the week where we are supposed to be thankful!) I use this saying all the time, but I hate using it and I hate the idea behind it.

"That's life," we say.
When we lose a job or our microwave breaks, we sigh and say, "that's life."
When we're super busy or we don't get along with other people, we shrug it off and say, "that's life."
When we find flaws in our work or we have to start a project over, we grumble and say, "that's life."
When we have an impossible dream and lose our motivation, we quit and say, "that's life."
When wars and crises arise and we think our world's just gone down the drain, we say "that's life."
When it feels like God is distant and we're stuck on our own, we just say, "that's life."
And we move on.

Why do we have to say that? Why are we obligated to a mysterious fate called life? Yes, there are about two things we have guaranteed in this life, first, death; second, taxes! Yes, we can generally look at lives from the past to learn from their mistakes, predict possible outcomes, and maybe make better plans for the future.

But we aren't tied to that. We never have to be controlled by the outcome of a unknown lottery machine of future events. Isn't God the one who created life? Doesn't He have control over our future and over us? Jesus told us that He came to earth so that we might have life, and have it "to the full!" So why do we settle?

Because we're comfortable. We American Christians are so comfortable in our little Jesus boxes that we don't bother to dream the impossible. We don't care enough to look and see if this is really all there is to life. We rarely ask the Holy Spirit to be present in our lives every day. We don't expect God to move in miraculous ways for us. We don't hope for things like what happened in the apostles' stories in Acts to happen today. Because we're comfortable.

How comfortable are you? How okay are you with your life? When was the last time the Holy Spirit pointed out an attitude to change, a relationship to mend, an opportunity to give Him glory? Did you follow that call? Have you even heard His voice?

Living life to the full is like skydiving - you have to jump out of a plane that has a seat for you, a nice buckle to keep you in that seat, protection from the sun and the wind and the rain and the pull of gravity. You have no need to jump out. You have no need to use the dangerous route to get back to the ground. You can just ride the nice plane down to safety.

But you're not going to have much of a story when you get back to the ground if you never jumped out of that window. You're not going to have the thrill of falling, flying, hurtling down towards the planet unrestrained until at the last second you release the parachute.

It's the same way in our walk with Jesus. We could stay in our comfy churches with the seats we've picked out with protection from the elements of our broken world and the gravity of life's messes. We don't have to go do things to earn our salvation. We aren't obligated to take the dangerous route because "His grace abounds in our weakness." We can just ride the nice Christian life to heaven.

But you can't live life the way God designed you to when you're still inside the airplane! It's time to let go of following the status quo of "that's life." Because there really is more than the nice busy Christian life full of church services with plastic perfect people and life groups full of plastic perfect discussion and the rest of your life as the quiet, unoffensive office worker with a "Jesus loves you" sticker in your cubicle. There really is more to life than the loads of dishes and laundry and kids' noses and faces to clean and meals to prepare and arguments to interrupt. Oh, yes, that mundane still exists. Oh, yes, the trials and the failures and the car breakdowns and feeling distant from God won't go away. That's because we're human and our world is broken.

(But we're not just human beings. Our soul is eternal and will live forever in Christ's presence if we've accepted His salvation. I'm learning, too, that that soul isn't the only things that will live on. We will have eternal bodies in continuity with the old, but those bodies won't decay or become useless. What an exciting prospect! I can't wait for heaven. And seeing Jesus.)

When we are in eternity, I think I'd rather tell the story of how I went skydiving.

What about you?

There's no going back once you jump. But when it come to living God's life for you, you won't regret jumping.
You'll get the opportunity to truly be God's hands and feet for this broken world.
You might get to see God's presence tangibly changing lives and changing whole cultures.
Your heart attitude towards God might be personally transformed from the inside out.
You might be hated for your radical ideas. Jesus practically guarantees it.
You won't be comfortable. But you probably won't miss that comfortable life once you leave it.
You might live that impossible dream in spite of every voice that says it can't happen.
You'll have the chance to redefine what you call truly living.

You will be changed. And that's life. God's way.