Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Sorry for not blogging! and what's been happening in my life.

Hey readers!
This is L.! Sorry we haven't posted in a while!
Just incase you get confused about the timing, I actually wrote the following post 2 weeks ago but was too busy with everything I mentioned to get it edited. So yeah, here's what was up with me at that point. A lot has happened since so I hope I get a chance to share that with you soon :)

So the last few months have been crazy busy for me.
So what's been happening?

1. I broke my foot in dance class. No I wasn't even on pointe. I was spinning in circles around the room for the dance we were working on and I tripped over a free standing barre that was in a different part of the room than usual and fractured my fifth metatarsal. One blessing is that I can walk on it! I got this air boot thing instead of a cast which is such a blessing! Even though I can't do my dance recital I can still be in my play next week.

2. I was in a play in March, and have been rehearsing for another one this week!

3. I've had a few opportunities to teach recently: I got to teach a group of young teen/tween guys about the fruit of the spirit and then share about the same lesson with a group of four-nine year olds. The teen/tween group was a lot easier for me but I had a lot of help with the younger kids so huge thank you to everyone who helped with that!
Then I got to share a little bit about prayer  and concert prep with my choir before our concert/ministry night a few weeks ago.

4. I'm almost done with school for the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kinda. I have to do some things over the summer but I'll be done with classes!

5.  I also recently discovered several new YouTubers so its partially my fault that I haven't been blogging. :/ I've been listening to other people and wishing I was a YouTuber so I could just say what I think to a camera instead of typing it into posts.

6. I'm thinking about starting a new, more specific blog so will see if that happens... Like I said school's almost over! = )

Well, I better go because I got behind on homework during concert week and I need to do something with my foot before rehearsal tonight and if my homework is done too than maybe I can get started on my new blog... if I'm not too distracted by YouTube.

How's your semester been?


I miss being able to do this.

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