Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Prayer for the Syrian Refugees

Hello again!
So I hear a lot of people talking about whether or not we should be inviting in so many refugees from Syria. I'm not going to take a side at this point because frankly I don't think it would be useful. (If you are interested in the details or developing an opinion on this I encourage you to do your own research)
What I do want to share today is about what I hope happens for those who do come to to the U.S.:
I pray that they will be welcomed and loved by American Christians, that they would trust in Jesus and be saved by His sacrifice.
I pray that if any of them have ill intentions that their minds would be changed.
I ask the same for those taking refuge in other countries.
For those waiting in Syria:
 I pray that they would be reached with the gospel and that many would be saved. I pray that they will be protected from all danger.
I'm praying for a revelation of God's love in Syria! I don't know if God is going to do it the way I hope but I know he can and he will work all things together for good!
