Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Little More of My Story....

Hi guys!

It's M. here. I just wanted to talk to you for a few minutes about what Christ means to me, and how He's worked in my life.

I grew up in a Christian home, and I have an awesome family.  I accepted Christ when I was three or four; I don't remember the exact day. But for a while, I was okay with Christianity being just another thing for me. I would go to church on Sunday and AWANA on Wednesday. That was all.

Three or four years ago I went to a Christian conference called the Rebelution. The speakers asked some tough questions and challenged my faith. I realized that I called myself a Christian, but I lived MY life, the way I wanted to. That day I realized that I needed to live for Jesus, not myself.

The next day, I went back to normal life. I began to learn more about Jesus and act more like a "Christian." But looking back, something was still missing. That something was a relationship with God. Over this past year, I've realized the importance of a daily quiet time to talk AND LISTEN to God. (The listening part was - and is - difficult for me.) Now I try to make it a priority to spend time with him every day.

For the past three years, I've attended Worldview Academy in the fall. The camps have greatly affected my outlook on the culture and my outlook on myself as well. I'm blessed to have had these experiences.

Well, that's most of the story. I've struggled this year with lots of things, but those struggles have caused me to grow. I've been in awe, and I've been confused. I've had some really rough days, but I'm super thankful for how God walks with me on those days. The path in front of me right now - well, I won't say it looks pretty. But actually, I don't want pretty. I'm trusting that God will lead me where I need to be.

Talk to you later! 


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