Saturday, November 2, 2013

Dr. Pepper!

Hey people! It's E. here.

   For those of you who know me really well, you will understand what I mean when I say Dr. Pepper is AMAZING!!!

   I will admit, though, that it is really bad for me, but unfortunately (according to M) that is not enough to convince me to stop drinking it;)
   Some interesting things I've learned about Dr. Pepper, and soda in general:
 • It's main ingredient is prune juice 
 • In one can there is enough sugar to keep me hyper for a while
 • In Texas, Dr. Pepper is their leading brand
 • CocaCola spills more soda than Dr. Pepper makes 
 • Dr. Pepper is good to drink when you are eating Gummy Bears
 • Coke can dissolve a penny
 • It's best when you drink it cold

   These are the few things that I know about Soda, besides the fact that its good! I hope this will convince you that it's good too!


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