1. (Dear School, Stop being so time-consuming and stuff like that. I have things I want to do. Sincerely, M.)
2. (Dear E., please come back! we miss seeing your writing! Sincerely, M.) (back me up on this one, guys!)
3. (Dear me, you need to blog more often. You can do it! Sincerely, me.)
This is going to be a combination of two different prompts, because I like them both a lot.

Text of the second prompt: "What if clouds and lakes switched spots, and every time you looked up, you'd see waves being pulled by the moon, and we'd wade through the clouds on a hot day."
Writing Prompt #13: Write about the day the sky changed color. The clouds and the water have also switched spots.
I opened my eyes with alarm. Something was outside my window. I yawned and sat up in bed, pushing a few stray bangs out of my face. I lazily slid out of bed and smoothed the covers down, trying to focus my sight on the greenish haze outside my window. As I slid the curtains and shades back simultaneously, my world was turned upside down.
No, literally. Something was really wrong. The sky, it was no longer blue. Well, some of it was blue. The rest was varying shades of green, violet, orange, and pitch black. It looked like Jackson Pollock decided to paint the sky. And the clouds! They were certainly not clouds. They, in fact, were waves. The ocean, the water, it was in the sky. I had to be dreaming. I rushed to the family room to look out the back window and get a clearer view.
Here I saw the same kaleidoscopic atmosphere, though there seemed to be less waves. I shook my head and began to turn from the window, but before I did, I caught a glance of our backyard lake. It seemed to be an explosion of cotton candy sitting in the hollow where the water used to be. "Incredible," I muttered, "They must have switched spots."
If you knew me, you'd probably know that I have an obsession for the sky. Clouds, rain, stars, it always felt like a love letter from God to me. Different patterns every day, always a new painting of the world's ceiling. The stars were rare when we used to live in the West, but now that we lived out in the country, I could glimpse a little of the deep heavens every night. Now I knew I had a chance, even for a minute, to go do the one thing I'd always dreamed. The possible danger didn't matter. I could touch the clouds.
I quietly opened the back door and slipped outside. It seemed that the rest of the house was sleeping, or dead, but outside, the world was very alive.The wind, very strong, blew my tousled hair back and threatened to pick me up off the ground. I noticed that the water in the multicolored sky was pulsing down towards the earth and crashing over the crests before heading back up to the flat surface. What happened to the law of gravity? I wondered. I approached the hollow that used to be our lake and stopped. I took a deep breath, then I walked into the clouds.
The top layer was like a mist, surprisingly warm as it dotted against my legs. The rest could best be described as a powerful, gentle moisture. It was thick and moved as I waded through, swirling in little circles, yet it also was soft, so unbelievably soft, that you almost felt nothing. You couldn't float like in water, but if it covered your head you would start sneezing from breathing it in. I remembered a friend once describing God's voice "like a powerful, gentle wind." This must have been like a hug from God, rather than his voice. I moved slowly back to the side of the lake, finally resting on the side.
I doodled in the clouds with my finger as I stared at the sky, all of its brilliant hues shining through the waves. The inky black parts were mysterious, and I wondered if they could be doorways to another world. The green shades were vibrant, and I could imagine grass just growing from the sky. The purple near the horizon was majestic, reminding me of satin and the best kinds of friendships. The fiery orange and the blues were the closest shades to a familiar sky, yet even they were different. I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. "It's so beautiful, God."
I bolted up and opened my eyes. the temperature had changed, my clothes no longer soaked. I was laying in my bed and, judging from the state of the nightstand, it wasn't the same day. I tried to ask my mom what time it was as she came over to the bed. She put her hand on my forehead, and sighed in relief. "Finally, your fever's broken. You've been awfully sick for the past few days." I shook my head in disbelief. "We found you by the lake a few mornings ago and you were mumbling about swimming in the clouds and the sky being green! Crazy, right?"
"Right," I furrowed my brow and wondered what on earth was going on.
"Thank the Lord you didn't fall into the lake. You hungry?" Mom asked.
"Starving." I grinned. As we walked to the kitchen, I began to realize what had happened. I thought again about the powerful, gentle moisture of the clouds. That had been real. I just knew it had. I shrugged. It must have been one of God's ingenuous ways to tell me that he loves me. What better way to find me, than through the clouds? I've gotta blog about this sometime, I thought, and smiled. It really fits that idea of the simplex.
Hope you liked it! See you next time!
PS I know, I almost always write my posts from first person, and they're always a girl's point of view. I haven't learned how to write well any other way. Someday I will be bold and write differently. Well, maybe. No promises.
M... your story....it's so creative. Loved it! ^_^
ReplyDeleteE!!!!!! PLEASE COME BACK!!! I LOVE HEARING FROM UUUUU!!! (Are you still alive?!? O_O) lol. ;] no, seriously E, you need to post again. :)