Hey everybody!! E. here. I know it's been a while since my last post...
ok correction: 'long' while, and you've been wanting to hear from me again(hopefully, 'cause if not...-insert whatever impending demise you wish-*cough* I mean..that's ok!! I still love you anyway!!) wow that just rhymed....weird...
Anywho, I wanted to talk about rain. I know M. has sort of already done that..but rain is just soo cool that I just had to talk about it too!
and, also it has been raining the passed few days! Which is totally awesome!!(coming from the girl who has lived in AZ all her life) so basically rain is cool:) (no pun intended) and wet! And my favorite thing to do, is stand in the middle of it when everyone else(a.k.a. my family) is hiding under shelter. No matter what kind of day I'm having, as soon as it starts raining, my mood changes and I'm happy.
('..because I'm HAPPEEEEEEEEE...')
I remember when I was little I used to think about how, when there is complete cloud cover, even though I can't see the sun, it's still shining and as bright as ever! How cool is that?! I remember one time when I was younger, I though that the rain had put out the sun. I wondered if it would ever shine again, and then I figured God would light it again when the rain was over, and He always did!
(Bunnies....my brother is obsessed with bunnies)
I was never afraid of lightening, the explanation for this is simply that my mother always told me that the Angels where bowling up in heaven. It made me happy to think that they were having fun and probably laughing with joy:) sometimes I wondered if the rain was because they used cups of water, instead of bowling pins...hmmm...I wonder...
I think that the main reason I love rain is that it brings back soo many memories!..how I would watch two rain drops roll down my car window, pretending it was a race..
asking--more like begging--my mom to let me and my siblings play in the rain, trying to reassure her that we wouldn't get struck by lighting, and then struggling to put on our swim suits as fast as we could, silently willing the rain to stay...jumping and sliding on the slick wet surface of our trampoline...
...scouring our house from top to bottom, trying to find an umbrella, just so I could say I used it that year, and look important while standing in the rain...
(crunch-*cough* oh sorry for interrupting 'food is good'!!)
...jumping in puddles of water, trying to make a big enough splash to spray my siblings...these are just a few, happy memories I reminisce about when it rains.
The smell after it rains is one of pure happiness! And it's so refreshing! Sometimes I just stand outside and breathe deeply for a few minutes, and it always makes me feel better:) rain is espe...
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Zig zag stripes are cool! And the amazingness of actually tying a shoelace!
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Penguins don't say "waddle..waddle"
Cows aren't only black and white
Ducks both fly and swim
Goats don't eat just anything, they are actually very picky eaters (please don't ague with me on that one-I promise-you won't win)
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...cially amazing when it's cold out:) then I can bundle up in a bunch of blankets and read my favorite book!
Anyway, hope you've enjoyed reading this! And I hope you have many comments;) but for now..BYE!!!! And have a WONDERFUL day/week/month/year or whatever;)!!!!!!
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I think my sister took this picture. -L. |
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