
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Umm... Well... Hi! by too lazy to write a better title (An Adventure Novel)

Hi Everyone!

Well, I have been experiencing a good level of writer's block lately. (what is it called when you are typing instead of writing? Or tapping on your phone screen? Just wondering.) 

But... I am a professional here. I must force myself to blog more often. (Stop laughing at me!)

Anyway, stay tuned for another creative writing prompt that E. gave me! (When the writer's block decides to move to Florida for a vacation and never returns)

Umm... Yeah. I got nothing. 


A review of school: good so far. (of course; it's January!)

An answer to those who wonder what I do with my time: well, I'm working on a very difficult piano piece to potentially play for my graduation! (Wow, we're SO interested. Tell us more! [does sarcasm hands] yeah, no.) Actually I spend most of my time on homework, at classes, or on Pinterest. ;)

A Definition: Sarcasm Hands are achieved by placing open hands, palms up, near the ear and moving the fingers back and forth away from the ear. Takes place of quotation marks and ONLY for use in life-death situations. (E. and I need to use this often)

A Bible verse for you that I found interesting: (actually two) Psalm 90:5-6 "You sweep them away as with a flood; they are like a dream, like grass that is renewed in the morning: ithe morning it flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and withers."

It reminds me of "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis, where heaven is symbolized by a fulfilled reality. Heaven is more true, more real than this life. This world is but a shadow of what life will be like there. 

Well, that's better than nothing. See you later!


(P.S. I really like this cute fluffy penguin. Jus sayin.)

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