
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

On My Obsession Over Movies

Yes, I'm gonna talk about movies. It's okay; I'm kind of an odd person anyways.

I over-analyze every movie that I watch. I won't stay up late to watch a movie, because I'm really not a night owl. However, I like to think about the message a movie is trying to convey to the audience. I hate watching movies to be entertained; I want to learn something. Has anyone seen Catching Fire yet? I won't try to give away anything, but here's my opinion on the film:

The beauty of hope in the midst of great trials is astounding to me. Of course, I hate that it takes such a bad world and horrible things happening in the movie to highlight that hope. But the hope is there. It catches my attention and inspires me to have hope in the fact that God is in control. In the movie industry, values have seemed to have gone out the window. It makes me so glad to see a purpose in Catching Fire.

I love watching movies and TV, but I honestly end up not liking almost every movie I see. I'm glad to say that I learn something from almost every movie I watch, though. I learn a lot of things about myself and the world by watching movies.

What about you? What movies have you seen recently? What did you think about them?

Talk to you later!


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